File a Claim (Auto/Home)
When reporting a loss or submitting a claim, please complete the proper form(s) below or you may contact Guam Insurance Adjusters, Inc. directly at 671-472-6288; or drop by their offices at: 1st Floor, Building A, Ada Plaza Center, 173 Aspinall Avenue, Hagatna, GU. Mailing Address: P. O. Box 822, Hagatna, GU 96932.
What you need to file an auto claim
To begin filing an auto claim, please download and complete the two(2) forms below:
1.) Insured Report of Accident download form
2.) Statement of Driver download form
IMPORTANT: Deadline to submit a claim is within 60 days from date of loss.
You will also need to provide the following:
Photo of drivers license
Photo of registration
Photos of damage(s)
Once you have completed all the items above, you will be ready to submit your claim below:
What you need to file a home claim
To begin filing a home claim, please download and complete the form below:
1.) Home Property Loss Notice download form
Once you have completed all the items above, you will be ready to submit your claim below:
Health Insurance Claim
For all your health insurance needs, please visit Calvo's Select Care website for more information.